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SAN HBA Commands - Unix & Windows

How to load/view HBA and associated SAN software.

  DISCLAIMER: Some products (HBAs, software, OS) may not be covered.  
    Accuracy of document is not guaranteed.  Please use as a guide and 
    tailor to your site and needs.

     list HBA
     install HBA 
     configure HBA
     install multipath s/w (if applicable)

     list HBA
     install HBA 
     configure HBA
     install multipath s/w (if applicable)

     list HBA
     install HBA 
     configure HBA
     install multipath s/w (if applicable)

     list HBA
     install HBA 
     configure HBA
     install multipath s/w (if applicable)

     list HBA
     install HBA 
     configure HBA
     install multipath s/w (if applicable)

  Oracle (ASM)

  PowerPath commands

  Vendor: Frame
  Vendor: Storage Frame Commands

  Vendor: HBA
  Vendor: HBA
     current models

   #See the current OS levels

    uname -a
    oslevel -r
    oslevel -q
    oslevel -g

   #See adapters, drivers, and microcode

    #See the bottom of this section for AIX part number mappings

    for FCS in $(lsdev -Cc adapter | awk '/fcs/ {print $1}')
        #For each of the FCS instances
        echo "=========================================================="
        echo $FCS
        echo "=========================================================="

        lsmcode -cd $FCS

        lscfg -vl $FCS | grep Z8

        #Firmware, ROM, S/N, Type
        fcstat $FCS

    lsdev -C -Ftype,name | grep -i fcs

    lslpp -l | grep -i hba
    lslpp -l | grep "FC Software"
    lslpp -L EMC.Symm*   #Should get two outputs - aix and fcp
    lslpp -L
    lslpp -L devices.pci.df1000f*

  #Disk type/info
  lsattr -El hdisk#
  lsattr -El vpath#

  #See VTL device WWN (VTL - disk SAN array LUN that looks like tape to OS/backup app)
  lsdev -Cc tape
  mt -f /dev/rmt# status

  #List Powerpath info

    lslpp -l | grep -i powerpath

    lsdev -C -t power

    for FCS in $(lsdev -Cc adapter | awk '/fcs/ {print $1}')
        #Loop for each adapter
        lscfg -vl $FCS | grep Z8
        fcstat $FCS | grep ^World

  #IBM Part numbers

        #To determine the part numbers for the HBAs
        lscfg -vpl fcs0 | grep "Part Number"

        #To corrolate the Part Number from above to a "Feature Code"
        #that EMC uses in their documentation OR to a HBA vendor model.

                Emulex LPe11002 FC 5744
                        10N7255 (FRU 10N7255)

                Emulex LP10000  FC 5716 
                        80P4543 (FRU 80P4544)

                Emulex LP9002   FC 6228  
                        00P2995 (FRU 00P2996)
                        00P4494 (FRU 00P4495)
                        03N2452 (FRU 09P0102)
                        09P5079 (FRU 09P5080)
                        80P4381 ???

                Emulex LP9802   FC 6239 

                Emulex LP7000   FC 6227 

   #See if they are already loaded
   lslpp -L devices.pci.df1000f*

    #If not, then
        cd /mnt/aix/aix52_apar_IY56722
        installp -a -Q -d . devices.pci.df1000fa.rte 

        smit install_software
            use dot (.) for directory                
            select the following:

    #Multipath software

        lsdev -Cc disk -s dpo -t vpath -F name

        #AIX Dynamic Link Manager for HDS
        /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -help
        /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -path
        /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -path -hdev dlmfdrv#
        /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -drv 

        #show paths
        fget_config -Av

        #show what paths devices are on
        fget_config -l dar0

        #PCM/MPIO (available on AIX 5.2 and above)

            mpio_get_config -Av

            sddpcm_get_config -Av

            #now run either PCM/MPIO or SDD commands

            $CMD query version
            $CMD query adapter
            $CMD query device
            $CMD query essmap
            $CMD query wwpn
            $CMD query port
            $CMD query portmap
            $CMD query portstats
            $CMD query adaptstats N
            $CMD query devstats N

            Usage: $CMD query adapter [N aa/ap]

            $CMD set adapter N online/offline aa/ap
            $CMD set device N path N online/offline
            $CMD set device N/(N N) algorithm rr/fo/lb/lbp
            $CMD set device N/(N N) hc_interval T
            $CMD set device N/(N N) hc_mode nonactive/enabled/failed
            $CMD set device N/(N N) retry_timeout T
            $CMD open device N path M
            $CMD clear device N/(N N) count error/all
            $CMD disable/enable ports CONNECTION ess ESSID
                single port          = R1-Bx-Hy-Zz
                all ports on card    = R1-Bx-Hy
                all ports on bay     = R1-Bx
                refer portmap output for the connection string and ESS serial number
            Examples of valid device model include:
                2105    - Displays all 2105 models (ESS)
                2145    - Displays all 2145 models
                1750    - Displays all 1750 devices (DS 6000)
                2107    - Displays all 2107 devices (DS 8000)
                1724    - Displays all 1724 devices (DS 4100)
                1814    - Displays all 1814 devices (DS 4200 and DS 4700)
                1722    - Displays all 1722 devices (DS 4300)
                1742    - Displays all 1742 devices (DS 4400 and DS 4500)
                1815    - Displays all 1815 devices (DS 4800)
                1818    - Displays all 1818 devices (DS 5000)

        #EMC Symmetrix software
        cd /mnt/EMC/Drivers/AIX
        installp -qa -d ./EMC.AIX.  EMC.Symmetrix.aix.rte EMC.Symmetrix.fcp.rte
        #EMC ECC package
        cd /mnt/EMC/ECC/Control_Center_5.2
        ./ `pwd`
            echo "ecc:2:once:/opt/ecc/exec/start_master.csh > /dev/console 2>&1 #Start ECCagent" >> /etc/inittab
        #EMC PowerPath
        #Must have a valid PowerPath license for this host
        cd /mnt/EMC/PowerPath/PowerPath4.4/aix
        installp -qa -d ./EMCpower_install EMCpower
        /usr/sbin/emcpreg -install
        /usr/sbin/powermt check_registration
        #PCM/MPIO (available on AIX 5.2 and above)


        #View SDD/MPIO
            $CMD query adapter
            $CMD query device

        #5.X and greater - MPIO multipath stats: bytes per path on hdisk
        iostat -m

    #Initialize HBAs in ODM
        Advanced Diag Routines
            System Verification
                (select each fcsX => F7)
                loopback plug? no
    diag -Avd fcs0 -c
    cfgmgr -vl fcs0

    #Initialize HBA and scan for any disks
    cfgmgr -vl fcs0
    cfgmgr -vl fcs1
    cfgmgr -vl dpo

        #EMC Symmetrix software
        cfgmgr -v
        /usr/sbin/powermt config
        /usr/sbin/powermt save

        #config HBA into SDD

        #config Paths via HBA
        cfgmgr -l dpo
        /usr/lib/methods/cfallvpath -2

    lsdev -Cc disk | grep -i emc

    #if this is the DR node, it needs to see failover disk's serial numbers
    #so in can import the volumegroup
    for DISK in $(lspv | grep hdiskpower | awk '{print $1}')
        echo $DISK
        chdev -l $DISK -a pv=yes

    #change a SAN device to have no reserve
    chdev -l HDISK# -a algorithm=round_robin -a reserve_policy=no_reserve -P 

    #VIO server
    chdev -dev $HDISK -attr pv=yes

    #see VIO pathing, look for CXX number and CEC/Frame serial number
    iostat -m
    lscfg -l hdisk1 -vps
    lparstat -i

    for DISK in $(lspv | awk '{print $1}')
        echo "===================================================="
        echo $DISK
        for i in `lspath -l $DISK -F"parent"`
            lscfg -vl $i

  #See the current OS levels
    uname -a
    swlist | grep "Gold Base"

  #See adapters, drivers, and microcode

    #List adapters and model number
    ioscan -funC fc
    ioscan -fun | grep -i tachyon

    #List individual adapater
    ioscan -funC fc /dev/td0
    ioscan -funC fc /dev/fcd0

    #HBA and driver info
  mputil /dev/mpt*

     #fcms - Tachyon and Itanium
      /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil /dev/fclp0      #get firmware revisions

      /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil /dev/fclp0 vpd  #get model number

     #or use other command
      /opt/fcms/bin/fcdutil /dev/td4    vpd  #get model number

     #fcd - pa-RISC
      /opt/fcms/bin/tdutil /dev/td0
      /opt/fcms/bin/fcdutil /dev/fcd0

    ioscan -m lun

    #Emulex, if s/w package is loaded:
     #Menu based system
     /usr/sbin/lpfc/lutil count
      #Loop per interface
       /usr/sbin/lpfc/lutil model $CNT
       /usr/sbin/lpfc/lutil rev $CNT

    #Emulex, if s/w package is loaded:
     #Menu based system

     /usr/sbin/lpfc/dfc <<-EOF > /tmp/myfile
     [grep PATTERN | cat] /tmp/myfile

    swlist -l product FC-TACHYON-TL
    swlist -l patch | grep -i TACHYON

    #Driver patch
    swlist -l product | grep "Fibre Channel Driver"

  #List Powerpath info

    swlist -l product EMCpower

    ioscan -FunC disk | grep EMC
    ioscan -m lun -C disk | grep EMC

    #Loop for each HBA
    /opt/fcms/bin/fcdutil  /dev/fcd0  | grep "World Wide Name"
    /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil /dev/fclp0 | grep "World Wide Name"

       for DEVICE in $(ioscan -kfnCfc | awk '/dev/{print $1}')
           /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil $DEVICE

    #Get WWN for disks
    scsimgr -p get_attr all_lun -a device_file -a wwid -a state

  #HP Part numbers

    #List adapters
    ioscan -funC fc

    #Vendor models
    SC - Single Channel (single port) HBA
    DC - Dual Channel (dual port) HBA
    SW - StorageWorks

        SW C2000 FC HBA for AIX

    Emulex LPe12002 8G
        StorageWorks 8 GB 2 Port Fibre PCI-EX8

    Emulex LPe12000 8G

    Emulex LPe1205 8G

    Emulex LPe1105 4G

    Emulex LP10000
        FCA2684       (LP10000)  Alpha
        FCA2684DC     (LP10000DC) Alpha
        SW FCA2684    (LP1000)   2Gb PCI-X FC HBA non-HP
        SW FCA2684DC  (LP1000DC) 2Gb PCI-X FC HBA non-HP

    Emulex LP9802 (336070-001)
        AB232A        (LP9802)   2 Gb PCI-X-to-FC HBA for Windows and integrity
        FCA2384       (LP9802)   2Gb PCI-X-to-FC HBA for Tru64 Unix Alpha
        FCA2384DC     (LP9802DC) Alpha
        FCA2404       (LP9802)   305573-B21 2Gb PCI-X-to FC HBA for Windows
        FCA2404DC     (LP9802DC) 323264-B21 2Gb PCI-X-to FC HBA for Windows

    Emulex LP1150 / LPe1150 4G
        FC2142SR      (LPe1150)  A8002A Windows
        FC2143        (LP1150)   AD167A SC Windows and integrity

    Emulex LP11002 / LPe11002
        FC2243        (LP11002)  AD168A DC Windows and integrity
        FC2242SR      (LPe11002) A8003A Windows  

    Emulex LP1000 / LP1050
        A7387A        (LP1000s)  DC 2Gb PCI-X FC HBA Windows
        AB466A        (LP1050DC) integrity
        SW AB466ADC   (LP1050DC) 2Gb 64-Bit/133 MHz PCI-X FC HBA
        A7388A        (LP1050)   SC 2Gb PCI-X FC HBA Windows
        AB467A        (LP1050)   2Gb 64-Bit/133 MHz PCI-X FC HBA integrity
        SW A7560A     (1050EX)   FC HBA for Windows

    Emulex LP982 
        FCA2408       (LP982) 343073-B21 2Gb PCI-X-to-FC HBA for Windows Windows
        SW A7298A     (LP982) 2Gb PCI-X FC HBA integrity

    Emulex THOR ASIC
        394757-B21    (THOR ASIC) (HP FC Mezzanine Card)
        394588-B21    (THOR ASIC) (HP FC Mezzanine Card)

    Qlogic  QLA2342       

    Qlogic  QMH2462       

    Qlogic  AE311A        

    Qlogic  AE312A        

    Qlogic QMH2562

    Qlogic QMH2462 4Gb FC HBA
        AB429A FC1143
        AB429A FC1143
        AB379B FC2242
        AE311A FC1142SR
        AE369A FC1243
        AE311A FC1142SR
        AE312A FC1242SR
        281541-B21 FC2214
        321835-B21 FC2214DC
        354054-b21 HP BL30p/BL35p Dual-Port FCHBA
        300874-b21 HP BL20p G2 FC MEZ
        361426-B21 HP BL20p G3 FC Adapter
        381881-b21 HP BL25p/BL45p FCHBAL

        A5158A PCI Fibre Channel Tachyon TL Adapter
        A6684A HSC Fibre Channel Tachlite Adapter
        A6685A HSC Fibre Channel Tachlite Adapter
        A6795A PCI Fibre Channel Tachyon XL2 Adapter
        A6826A PCI-X Dual Port Fibre Channel Adapt

    4Gb PCI-X Fibre Channel HBAs
        AB378B  PCI-X single-channel-4Gb Fibre Channel adapter  AB378B PCI-X single channel
        AB379B  PCI-X dual port-4Gb Fibre Channel adapter  AB379B PCI-X dual port
        AB429A  PCI-X single-channel-4Gb Fibre Channel adapter  AB429A PCI-X single channel
        AD167A  FC2143 4Gb PCI-X 2.0 HBA  AD167A PCI-X 2.0 HBA
        AD168A  FC2243 4Gb PCI-X 2.0 DC HBA  AD168A PCI-X 2.0 HBA

    4Gb PCIe Fibre Channel HBAs
        AD300A  PCIe dual port 4Gb Fibre Channel adapter  AD300A PCIe dual port
        AD299A  PCIe 1-port 4Gb Fiber Channel adapter  AD299A PCIe 1-port
        AD355A  PCIe 2-port 4Gb Fiber Channel adapter  AD355A PCIe 2-port
        AE311A  FC1142SR 4Gb PCIe HBA  AE311A PCIe HBA
        A8002A  FC2142SR 4Gb PCIe HBA  A8002A PCIe HBA
        A8003A  FC2242SR/DC 4Gb PCIe HBA  A8003A PCIe HBA

    8Gb PCIe Fibre Channel HBAs
        AH400A  PCIe 1-port 8Gb Fiber Channel HBA  AH400A PCIe 1-port
        AH401A  PCIe 2-port 8Gb Fiber Channel HBA  AH401A PCIe 2-port
        AH402A  PCIe 8Gb 1-Port Fibre Channel HBA  AH402A PCIe 1-port
        AH403A  PCIe 8Gb 2-Port Fibre Channel HBA  AH403A PCIe 2-port

    Other Fibre Channel HBAs
        403619-B21  BLc QLogic QMH2462 FC HBA Opt Kit  BLc QLogic FC HBA Opt Kit
        403621-B21  BLc Emulex LPe1105 FC HBA Opt Kit  BLc Emulex LPe1105 FC HBA Opt Kit
        SAS adapter family
        AH303A  PCIe SC44Ge SAS HBA  AH303A PCIe SAS HBA

    SCSI adapter family
        A7173A  PCI-X dual-port SCSI adapter  A7173A PCI-X dual-port
        AT134A  HP Integrity SC11Xe PCIe SCSI Host Bus Adapter  A7173A PCI-X dual-port

    RAID adapter family
        337972-B21  PCI-X Smart Array P600 controller  PCI-X Smart Array P600 controller
        AD335A  PCIe P800 SAS RAID controller  PCIe P800 SAS RAID controller
        AH226A  PCIe Smart Array E500 SAS controller  PCIe Smart Array E500 SAS controller
        A9890A  PCI-X 2-channel Smart Array 6402  PCI-X 2-channel Smart Array 6402
        A9891A  PCI-X 4-channel Smart Array 6404  PCI-X 4-channel Smart Array 6404

    Networking connectivity
        10Gb Ethernet adapter family
        Product number  Short description  Photos
        AD385A  PCI-X 266MHz 10GBase-SR adapter  Not available
        AD386A  PCIe 10GBase-SR adapter  Not available
        Gigabit Ethernet adapters
        AD331A  PCI 1-port 1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet copper adapter  AD331A PCI 1-port
        A7012A  PCI-X 2-port 1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet copper adapter  A7012A PCI-X 2-port;
        AB545A  PCI-X 4-port 1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet copper adapter  AB545A PCI-X 4-port
        AD332A  PCI 1-port 1000Base-SX Gigabit Ethernet fiber adapter  AD332A PCI 1-port
        A7011A  PCI-X 2-port 1000Base-SX Gigabit Ethernet fiber adapter  A7011A PCI-X 2-port
        AD337A  PCIe 2-port 1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet adapter  AD337A PCIe 2-port
        AD338A  PCIe 2-port 1000Base-SX Gigabit Ethernet adapter  AD338A PCIe 2-port
        AD339A  PCIe 4-port 1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet adapter  AD339A PCIe 4-port
        447883-B21  BLc NC364m NIC adapter Opt Kit  BLc NC364m NIC adapter Opt Kit

    Asynchronous multiplexer family
        AD278A  HP PCI 8-port serial MUX adapter  Not available
        AD279A  HP PCI 64-port serial MUX adapter  Not available

    WAN adapter family
        J3525A  Dual port PSI card for HP3000/9000  Not available
        Ethernet multifunction adapters: See Multifunction adapter family

    Infiband adapters and switch family
        AB286C  HP PCI-X 2-port 4X fabric adapter  HP PCI-X 2-port 4X fabric adapter
        AH304A  PCIe 2-port 4x DDR Fast IB HCA  PCIe 2-port 4x DDR Fast IB HCA
        410533-B21  HP BLc 4X DDR IB Mezzanine HCA  HP BLc 4X DDR IB Mezzanine HCA

    HyperFabric2 adapters and switches
        A6388A  HyperFabric2 8-port fiber switch module  HyperFabric2 8-port fiber switch module
        A6386A  PCI HyperFabric2 fiber adapter  PCI HyperFabric2 fiber adapter

    Cisco Pass-Thru Interconnect Modules
        AT135A  HP Integrity Cisco B22HP Fabric Extender  HyperFabric2 8-port fiber switch module
        AT136A  HP Integrity Cisco B22HP Fabric Extender wFET  PCI HyperFabric2 fiber adapter
    Multifunction adapter family
        AB290A  PCI-X dual port U320 SCSI and dual port 1Gb Ethernet adapter  
        A9782A  PCI-X 2Gb Fibre Channel and 1000Base-SX Gigabit Ethernet multifunction adapter  
        AD193A  PCI-X 4Gb Fibre Channel and 1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet multifunction adapter  
        AD194A  PCI-X 2-port 4Gb Fibre Channel & 2-port 1000Base-T adapter  
        AD221A  PCIe 1-port 4GB Fibre Channel and 1-port 1000Base-T adapter  
        AD222A  PCIe 2-port 4GB Fibre Channel and 2-port 1000Base-T adapter  
        AD393A  PCIe 2-port 4GB Fibre Channel and 2-port 1000Base-SX adapter  

    Lights Out Advanced KVM family
        AD307A  PCI 1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet adapter  HP PCIe 1000Base-T

    Graphics adapter family
        AH391A  HP 2D PCI graphics card  HP 2D PCI graphics card
        A6869B  HP 2D USB PCI graphics card  HP 2D USB PCI graphics card

    Unknown mapping to vendor type
        FC1143 SC
        FC1243 DC
        FCA2257C Dual Channel cPCI FC HBA for Solaris
        FCA2257P 2Gb PCI-to-FC HBA for Solaris
        FCA2257S Dual Channel Sbus FC HBA for Solaris
        SW FCA2210 FC HBA for NetWare
        SW FCA2214 2Gb PCI-X FC HBA
        SW FCA2214DC DC 2Gb PCI-X FC HBA
        SW FCA2101 245299-B2 2Gb FC HBA
        SW FCA2355 308540-B21 dual channel PCI HBA
        SW FCA2354 FC HBA Tru64 UNIX OpenVMS
        SW FC1142SR 4Gb PCI-E HBA
        SW FC1242SR 4Gb PCI-E DC HBA
        SW Q200 FC HBA for Windows and Linux
        SW Q2300 FC HBA for Linux

   #Load software, drivers and firmware
   #NOTE: You may need to modify lines for the APPROPRIATE version
    #EMC ECC package
    cd /tmp_mnt/EMC/ECC/Control_Center_5.2
    ./ `pwd`

    #EMC PowerPath
    #Must have a valid PowerPath license for this host

      #Multiple reboots
        mkdir /tmp/EMC    
           cd /tmp/EMC
        cp /tmp_mnt/EMC/PowerPath/PowerPath4.3/hpux/EMCPower.HP.4.3.0.tar.Z .
        uncompress EMCPower.HP.4.3.0.tar.Z
        swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x mount_all_filesystems=false \
            -s /tmp/EMC/EMCPower.HP.4.3.0.tar EMCpower

        *** REBOOT - automatically occurs ***

        mount nimserver:/depot/Software/UNIX /tmp_mnt
        mkdir /tmp/EMC    
        cd /tmp/EMC
        cp /tmp_mnt/EMC/PowerPath/PowerPath4.3/hpux/EMCPower.HP.4.3.1.Patch.b040.tar.Z
        uncompress EMCPower.HP.4.3.1.Patch.b040.tar.Z
        swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x mount_all_filesystems=false \
            -s /tmp/EMC/EMCPower.HP.4.3.1.Patch.b040.tar \

        *** REBOOT - automatically occurs ***

      #Single reboot
        mkdir /tmp/EMC    
           cd /tmp/EMC

        cp /tmp_mnt/EMC/PowerPath/PowerPath4.3/hpux/EMCPower.HP.4.3.0.tar.Z .
        cp /tmp_mnt/EMC/PowerPath/PowerPath4.3/hpux/EMCPower.HP.4.3.1.Patch.b040.tar.Z
        uncompress EMCPower.HP.4.3.0.tar.Z
        uncompress EMCPower.HP.4.3.1.Patch.b040.tar.Z

        swcopy -s /tmp/EMC/EMCPower.HP.4.3.0.tar EMCpower @/tmp/PPdepot
        swmodify -alayout_version=1.0 @ /tmp/PPdepot

        swcopy -s /tmp/EMC/EMCPower.HP.4.3.1.Patch.b040.tar \
            EMCpower_patch431 @/tmp/PPdepot
        swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x mount_all_filesystems=false \
            -s /tmp/PPdepot EMCpower EMCpower_patch431

        *** REBOOT - automatically occurs ***

        /usr/sbin/emcpreg -install
        /sbin/powermt check_registration

        /sbin/powermt config
        /sbin/powermt save

        ioscan -FunC disk | grep EMC


   NOTE: Just because the software package is loaded, or if the driver is
   loaded, does not mean there is a HBA card installed in the system.
   (A "forceload" in /etc/system will load the driver regardless if the hardware
   is there or not).

   #See the current OS levels
    #OS Version and kernel patch
    uname -a

    #Maintenance level (based on month/year, 
    # i.e. "Solaris 8 2/02" is Feb/2002 code release)
    grep Solaris /etc/issue

    #List patches
    showrev -p

   #Get to latest OBP, go to, then to hardware, then model
   prtconv -V

   #See adapters, drivers, and microcode

        #System error log file (other than /var/adm/messages.*
        # and /var/log/syslog.*):

        #Solaris 10 only

            #look up/view an error
            fmtdump -v 

            #view and error code from the logs

        #See what hardware is there
        /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag | awk '/PCI/ {print $NF}'
        ls -l /dev/cfg/c0

        #add to /etc/system
        forceload: drv/fp
        forceload: drv/ssd
        forceload: drv/pcisch

        # NOTE: run as root user (otherwise you don't see everything)
        cfgadm -l
        cfgadm -al
        cfgadm -al CONTROLLER_ID
        cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev CONTROLLER_ID
        cfgadm -o show_SCSI_LUN -al
        cfgadm -o show_FCP_dev -al

        # configure command - not a show command
        cfgadm -c configure c# c#    

        #NOTE: Some of the luxadm commands require the devices to
        #      be configured with cfgadm first.
        luxadm -e port
        luxadm -e dump_map `HBA path from above command'
        luxadm -e dump_map /devices/pci@23d,600000/SUNW,qlc@1/fp@0,0
        luxadm -e dump_map /dev/fc/fp0
        luxadm -e forcelip `HBA path'
        luxadm probe
        luxadm display '/dev/rdsk/cXtXdX'

        #NOTE: run as root user (otherwise you don't see everything)
        # Solaris 10 only, and the last releases of Solaris 9
        fcinfo hba-port 
        fcinfo hba-port -l
        fcinfo hba-port -l 210000e08b86f07d
        fcinfo -port -slp  210000e08b86f07d
        fcinfo remote-port -slp 210000e08b86f07d

        #Devices listed with WWN
        iostat -XMzxn

    #If Emulex
        #add to /etc/system
        forceload: drv/clone

        #NOTE: Only in solaris 10
        #List lots of info about each HBA by port
        fcinfo hba-port | grep WWN

            #*** Use French: fibre (re not er)
            # does not give the WWN, but does list instances
            prtpicl -v -c obp-device

        #List out known HBAs in system device tree
        grep lpfc\"$ /etc/path_to_inst
            "/pci@8,700000/lpfc@2" 0 "lpfc"
            "/pci@8,700000/lpfc@3" 1 "lpfc"
            "/pci@8,700000/fibre-channel@2" 2 "lpfc"
            "/pci@8,700000/fibre-channel@3" 3 "lpfc"

            #you have 2 Emulex cards: 
            # instance 0 is interface card 2
            # instance 1 is interface card 3

        #Entry needed for forceload in /etc/system
        grep clone /etc/system
            forceload: drv/clone

        #See if driver is loaded
        modinfo | grep lpfc
            110 78162000  512d2 185   1  lpfc (Emulex LightPulse FC SCSI/IP)

        #Number of HBA instances/devices
        prtdiag -v | grep fibre

        #List adapaters

        #Software version of Driver
        pkginfo -l lpfc | awk '/VERSION/ {print $3}'
        #Firmware, FCode
        echo "quit" | /usr/sbin/lpfc/dfc | grep lpfc
        #Get HBA config info
        fcinfo hba-port -l

        #Firmware, FCode

        #Firmware, i.e '0' is instance number
        /usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil rev 0
        #Lputil s/w version
        /usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil version

        #Get WWN for each HBA
        /usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil listhbas

        #Get WWN for each HBA and LUNs on that HBA
        /usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil fcpmap 0

        #Get persistent binding WWN
        /usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil shownodes 0

        #manage HBAs (firmware, reset, etc)
            #script/menu at OS level (like HBAnyware)

            #HBAnyware graphic 
            #start an X windows on the system you are on
            export DISPLAY=$YOURIP:0

            /usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd listhbas
            /usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd hbattrib $WWPN
    #If Qlogic

        ##Entry needed for forceload in /etc/system
        forceload: drv/qlc

        #List info about HBA
        prtpicl -v -c scsi-fcp
        prtpicl -v -c scsi-fcp | grep port-wwn 
        prtpicl -v -c scsi-fcp | grep devfs-path 

        #See if driver is loaded
        grep qlc /etc/system
            forceload: drv/qlc

        #Number of HBA instances/devices
        prtdiag -v | grep qlc

        #Frimware Driver
          modinfo | grep qlc
            27 10257975  26bc0 153   1  qlc (Qlogic FCA Driver v0.40.5)
          grep Driver /var/adm/messages* | grep Qlogic

        #Get HBA config info
        fcinfo hba-port -l

        # RUN AS ROOT (otherwise you don't see everything)
        luxadm fcode_download -p

        #Software version of Driver
          #32 bit
        pkginfo -l SUNWqlc | grep VERSION
          #64 bit
        pkginfo -l SUNWqlcx | grep VERSION

        #Get Model type of Driver
        pkginfo -l SUNWqlc | grep NAME

        #See devices on Qlogic
        luxadm probe

        #See devices HBA (WWN)
        luxadm display 50060482c465135c

        #See devices on Qlogic
        luxadm probe

        #See devices HBA (WWN)
        luxadm display 50060482c465135c

        #See disk device
        luxadm display /dev/rdsk/c3t50060482C465135Cd14s2

        #See the configurable devices
        # RUN AS ROOT (otherwise you don't see everything)
        cfgadm -al | grep fc-fabric

        #Configure "fc-fabric" items (output from cfgadm -al)
        #Where '#' is the controller number
        # RUN AS ROOT (otherwise you don't see everything)
        luxadm -e port

  #List Powerpath info

    pkginfo -L EMCpower

    iostat -En | grep EMC
    format < /dev/null | grep EMC

  #Files that need modification

    The software package for the HBA should make entries in 

    **** NOTE: if you install VxFS later, lwp_default_stksize value
               may be changed (additional later entry in /etc/system).

    #If Emulex

            You will need to add entries for the targets in
        vi /kernel/drv/sd.conf

        #Add to the end of the file (example):

        # 66-71, 102-121 BCV
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=102;
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=103;
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=104;
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=119;
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=120;
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=121;

        # LUNs: b7-ca (hex), 183-202 (decimal)  SRDF
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=183;
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=184;
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=185;
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=200;
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=201;
        name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=0 lun=202;

        vi /kernel/drv/lpfc.conf

        # BEGIN: LPUTIL-managed Persistent Bindings
        #                  "5006048acc18f547:lpfc1t1";
        flow_control="duplx" queue="qfifo" disk="scdk" tape="sctp";

    #If Qlogic/Sun, you will need to modify 

        vi /etc/system
            set sd:sd_max_throttle=20

            *for the Leadville Qlogic Sun driver (HBA)
            set fcp:ssfcp_enable_auto_configuration=1

            #PowerPath - 60 sec timeout
            set sd:sd_io_time = 0x3c

            #Non-PowePath - 120 sec timeout
            set sd:sd_io_time = 0x78

        #file it creates - no need to modify
            /kernel/drv/fp.conf, vi /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf

    #Must do a reconfigure reboot
    touch /reconfigure;init 6
    If Emulex
        #Persistent Binding
            => 5. Persistent Bindings
            => 5. Bind Automapped Targets
                Loop for each adapter
                Yes to bind all auto-mapped targets
            => 2. Bind by port name

        touch /reconfigure;init 6

    When disks are presented:

        Solaris 2.6:         drvconfig;disks
        Solaris >=2.7:       devfsadm -v -C -c disks  OR  devfsadm -v
        If VxVM:             vxdctl enable

        #See devices on Qlogic
        luxadm probe

        #See devices HBA (WWN)
        luxadm display 50060482c465135c

        #See disk device
        luxadm display /dev/rdsk/c3t50060482C465135Cd14s2

        #See the configurable devices
        # RUN AS ROOT (otherwise you don't see everything)
        cfgadm -al | grep fc-fabric

        #Configure "fc-fabric" items (output from cfgadm -al)
        #Where '#' is the controller number
        # RUN AS ROOT (otherwise you don't see everything)
        luxadm -e port

        #configure connected ports
        cfgadm -c configure c# c#    

        #IF IBM SDD
        /opt/IBMsdd/bin/cfgvpath -r

    If Emulex
         #Menu driven 

        #Get WWN for each HBA
        /usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil listhbas

        #Get WWN for each HBA and LUNs on that HBA
        /usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil fcpmap 0

        #Get persistent binding WWN
        /usr/sbin/lpfc/lputil shownodes 0

    If QLogic
        #See devices on Qlogic
        luxadm probe

        #See devices HBA (WWN)
        luxadm display 50060482c465135c

   #Load software, drivers and firmware
   #NOTE: You may need to modify lines for the APPROPRIATE version

    If Emulex
        cd /tmp
        tar xvf /mnt/solaris/emulex_hba/602f/lpfc-6.02f-sparc.tar
        pkgadd -d . lpfc.1
            packages? all
            man pages? yes
            enable IP? no
            conflicting files? yes
            continue? yes
            packages? q  #You are back to the beginning

            3 - firmware maintenance
            1 - load firmware image
            filename? /mnt/solaris/emulex_hba/602f/cd392a3.awc
            0 - exit
            0 - exit

        #Software - HBAnyware
        #Must have Java 1.4 loaded
        cd /tmp
        gzip -dc /mnt/solaris/emulex_hba/602f/HBAnyware-2.1a18-sparc.tar.gz\
            | tar xvf -
        pkgadd -d . HBAnyware


        #Persistent Binding
            => 5. Persistent Bindings
            => 5. Bind Automapped Targets
                Loop for each adapter
                Yes to bind all auto-mapped targets
            => 2. Bind by port name

        touch /reconfigure;init 6

    If QLogic
        #Drivers downloaded from

        cd /tmp
        zcat /mnt/solaris/sun_hba/SAN_4[1].4.6_install_it.tar.Z | \
            tar xvf -
        cd SAN_4.4.6_install_it

            install?  y
            Patchpro search?  n
        # RUN AS ROOT (otherwise you don't see everything)
        cfgadm -al | grep fc-fabric
        luxadm -e port
        #configure connected ports
        cfgadm -c configure c# c#    

    #EMC ECC package
        cd /mnt/EMC/ECC/Control_Center_5.2
        ./ `pwd`

        #EMC PowerPath
            #Must have a valid PowerPath license for this host
            cd /tmp
            zcat /mnt/EMC/PowerPath/PowerPath4.4/solaris/EMCPower.SOLARIS.4.4.0.tar.Z |\
                tar xvf -
            pkgadd -d . EMCpower
            /etc/emcpreg -install
            /etc/powermt check_registration
            devfsadm -v
            devfsadm -v -C c disk
            /etc/powermt config
            /etc/powermt save
            iostat -En | grep EMC

        #Install Veritas product now for DMP 
        #  and/or Volume Mgt (if applicable)

        #Enable Multipathing (MPXIO)

            #enable MPXIO
            vi /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf
            vi /kernel/drv/fp.conf 

            stmsboot -e

            #update vfstab and dumpadm
            stmsboot -u

            luxadm -e port

                #list ports/hbas
                cfgadm -al

                #makes /dev/fc/fp#
                #by all controllers
                cfgadm -c

                #by specific controllers
                cfgadm -c configure c# [c#] ...
                #i.e.  cfgadm -c configure c0 c3

            #enable MPXIO
            stmsboot -e

            #update MPXIO and reboot to configure
            stmsboot -u

            #disable MPXIO
            stmsboot -d

            #list devices on a controller
            stmsboot -l  c#

            #list all paths
            stmsboot -L

  #SUN rebranded HBA Part numbers

  #Must have a sunsolve account to see this information.


  #Supported but dead product line - no longer shipping.


     NOTE: JNI (was aquired by, no longer makes HBAs.
           Sun supported choices are (as of 2006): Emulex and Qlogic.

     NOTE: Sun Microsystems appears to be heading down the same path
       as HP and IBM. While all of the major HBA vendors currently
       provide drivers for Sun Solaris, Sun has included the
       leadville driver as part of its current SAN Foundation
       software. This driver offers full fabric support, along
       with failover and management capabilities, and replaces the
       one provided by the HBA vendors, though this driver
       currently only works with the newest HBAs provided by
       QLogic. The upside of this approach, according to
       Christopher Poelker, a storage architect with Hitachi Data
       Systems (HDS), is that the leadville driver removes the
       need to edit the /kernel/drv/sd.conf file because it runs 
       at the kernel level and uses a different configuration
       file--/kernel/drv/sdd.conf--which needs no editing. 

        #To determine the part numbers for the HBAs
    #Solaris 10 only
    fcinfo hba-port -l

    Emulex LPe11000
             PCI Express 4Gigabit/Sec Single FC Host Adapter

        375-3396 Option SG-XPCIE1FC-EM4

    Emulex LP11000
             PCI/PCI-x 4Gigabit/Sec Single FC Host Adapter
        3.3V 64Bit 33/66/100/133/266MHz

        375-3398 Option SG-XPCI1FC-EM4-Z

    Emulex LPe11002
             PCI Express 4Gigabit/Sec Dual FC Host Adapter

        375-3397 Option SG-XPCIE2FC-EM4

    Emulex LP11002
             PCI/PCI-x 4Gigabit/Sec Dual FC Host Adapter
        3.3V   64Bit   33/66/100/133/266MHz

        375-3399 Option SG-XPCI2FC-EM4-Z

    Emulex LP10000DC-S
             PCI/PCI-x 2Gigabit/Sec Dual FC Host Adapter
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66/100/133MHz

        375-3305 Option SG-XPCI2FC-EM2

    Emulex LP10000-S
             PCI/PCI-x 2Gigabit/Sec Single FC Host Adapter
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66/100/133MHz

        375-3304 Option SG-XPCI1FC-EM2

    JNI FCX2-6562-L
             PCI/PCI-x 2Gigabit/Sec Dual FC Host Adapter
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66/100/133MHz 

        375-3157 Option SG-XPCI2FC-JF2

    JNI FCX-6562-L
             PCI/PCI-x 2Gigabit/Sec Single FC Host Adapter
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66/100/133MHz 

        375-3156 Option SG-XPCI1FC-JF2

    JNI FCE-6460-N
             PCI 2Gigabit/Sec Single FC Host Adapter
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33MHz 

        370-4915 Option XT8-FCE-6460-N
        370-5702 Option SG-XFCE-6460-N, SG-XPCI1FC-JN2
        375-3019 Option 6799

    JNI FCE-6410-N
             PCI 3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33MHz 
        370-4519 Option XT8-FCE-6410-N
        370-5701 Option SG-XFCE-6410-N

             PCI 1Gigabit/Sec Dual FC Host Adapter
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66MHz 

        370-4626 Option XT8-FCE2-6412-N
        370-5700 Option SG-XFCE2-6412-N

    JNI FCE-1063-N
             PCI 1Gigabit/Sec Single FC Host Adapter
        5V 32Bit 33MHz 
        370-4517 Option XT8-FCI-1063-N

    Myrinet M3F-PCI64C-2
             PCI 2Gigabit/Sec Sun Fire Visual Grid Interconnect 
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66MHz 

        375-3180 Option 3692

    QLogic QLE2462-Sun
             PCI Express 4Gigabit/Sec Dual FC Host Adapter 

        375-3356 Option SG-XPCIE2FC-QF4

    Qlogic QLA2462-S
             PCI/PCI-x 4Gigabit/Sec Dual FC Host Adapter 
        3.3V (mode 1) 1.5V/3.3V (mode 2) 64Bit 33/66/100/133/266MHz

        375-3294 Option SG-XPCI2FC-QF4

    QLogic QEM2462
             PCI Express 4Gigabit/Sec Dual FC Host Adapter ExpressModule

        375-3384 Option SG-XPCIE2FC-QB4-Z

    Qlogic QLE2460-Sun
             PCI Express 4Gigabit/Sec Single FC Host Adapter 

        375-3355 Option SG-XPCIE1FC-QF4

    Qlogic QLA2460-S
             PCI/PCI-x 4Gigabit/Sec Single FC Host Adapter 
        3.3V (mode 1) 1.5V/3.3V (mode 2) 64Bit 33/66/100/133/266MHz

        375-3354 Option SG-XPCI1FC-QF4 

    Qlogic QLA2342-SUN
             PCI/PCI-x 2Gigabit/Sec Dual FC Host Adapter 
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66/100/133MHz

        375-3108 Option 6768, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2-Z
        375-3363 Option 6768, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2-Z

    Qlogic QLA2340 / QLA2340-CK
             PCI/PCI-x 2Gigabit/Sec Single FC Host Adapter
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66/100/133MHz

        370-6697 Option 9279 (QLA2340-CK) 
        375-3383 Option SG-XPCI1FC-QL2 (QLA2340) 

    Qlogic QLA2310F-SUN
             PCI 2Gigabit/Sec Single FC Host Adapter 
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66MHz 

        375-3102 Options 6767 / SG-XPCI1FC-QF2

    Qlogic QLA2212F/66-SUN
             PCI 1Gigabit/Sec Dual FC Host Adapter+ 
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66MHz

        375-3030 Option 6727

    Qlogic QLA2200F 2Gigabit/Sec PCI-X Single 
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66MHz

        QLA2200F-CK     501-6640  Option 5133
        QLA2200F/66-SUN 375-3019  Option 6799

    Qlogic QLA210-Sun
             PCI/PCI-x 2Gigabit/Sec PCI/PCI-X Single FC Host Adapter
        3.3V   32Bit    33/66/100/133MHz

        375-3253 Option SG-XPCI1FC-QLC
        375-3364 Option SG-XPCI1FC-QLC-Z 

    Unknown FC100/P
             PCI 1Gigabit/Sec PCI Single Host Adapter
        3.3/5V 32/64Bit 33/66MHz 
        375-0040 Option 6729

Linux (focused on RedHat, but should work for other flavors too)
    #find what is on your system
    dmesg | grep -i fib
    dmesg | grep -i qlog
    dmesg | grep -i emulex    
    numactl --hardware

    lspci | grep -i fib
    lspci -vv | awk '/Emulex/,/^$/ {print $0}'
    lspci -vv | awk '/Qlogic/,/^$/ {print $0}'
    lspci -nn | grep -i hba

    hdparm -i /dev/sdX
    hdparm -I /dev/sdX
    sdparm -i /dev/sdX
    lshw -class disk -class storage #if you have lshw loaded
    lshw -short -C disk
    smartctl -d auto -a -i /dev/sda
    smartctl -d ata -a -i /dev/sda
    cat /proc/ide/ide0/hda/model
    cat /proc/scsi/scsi

    palimpsest #disk GUI

    cat /etc/modprobe.conf
    lsmod | grep -i lpfc

    #what are the currently configured disks 
    fdisk -lu

    ls -l /proc/scsi
    ls -l /sys/class/scsi-host

    #What type of HBA and its characteristics
    #model, firmware, driver
    cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/modelname
    cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/info
    cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/fwrev
    cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/lpfc_drvr_version

    cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/device/fc_host/host*/node_name
    cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/device/fc_host/host*/port_name
    cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/device/fc_host/host*/fabric_name

    cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/port_name
    cat /sys/class/fc_host/host*/device/scsi_host/host*/info

     #old RHEL < 5
       cat /proc/scsi/qla2300/1

    #get HBA info
    yum -y install libsysfs sysfsutils
      /usr/bin/systool -c fc_transport -v
      /usr/bin/systool -c fc_host -v
      /usr/bin/systool -c scsi_host -v
      /usr/bin/systool -c scsi_host -v \
           | egrep -w "lpfc_drvr_version|firmware_revision|info"
      /usr/bin/systool -c scsi_host -v \
           | grep modeldesc

    #discover new Emulex modules
    modprobe -l *lpfc* 

    #discover new disk
    modprobe -r 

    #How to add new / remove used LUNs without rebooting Linux server"

    #discover new disk
    for HOST in $(cd /sys/class/scsi_host; ls -d host*)
        echo $HOST
        echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/$HOST/scan

    #discover new disk
    #have HBA relogin and rescan
    #loop for each host#
    echo "1" >  \

    #discover new disk
    #scan scsi bus
    #loop for each host#
    echo "1" >  \

    #discover new disk
    /usr/sbin/lpfc lun_san all

    #How to add new / remove used LUNs without rebooting Linux server"
    scsi-rescan                   #if not there, then: yum -y install sg3_utils
    /usr/bin/   #do not use if have powerpath installed

    printf "scsi remove-single-device %d %d %d %d" \
                 $controller $bus $target $lun \

    printf "scsi add-single-device %d %d %d %d" \
                 $controller $bus $target $lun \

    #FC View
    cat /proc/scsi/lpfc/X
    cat /sys/class/scsi_host/hostX/port_name
    cat /sys/class/fc_host/hostX/port_name

    #For example if you have a qlogic 2300 hba:
    modprobe -r qla2300
    modprobe    qla2300
    echo "scsi-qlascan" > \
    echo "scsi-qlascan" > \
    echo "scsi add-single-device 1 0 0 6" > \

   #Disk mappings
    ls -l /dev/mapper
    ls -l /dev/disk/by-id
    cat /var/lib/multipath/bindings

    #show the filesystem type (like fstype)
    file -sL /dev/sdb1
    df -T /some/mt/pt

    blkid -o full       # list all the UUIDs for disks/partitions
    blkid /dev/sda3     # list all the UUIDs for disk
    blkid -U xxxxxxxxx  # list all the disk that matches UUID
    lsblk -l            #list
    lsblk --fs          #like blkid, but gives FS info for the devices
    lsblk -ta           #geometry of disks
    lsblk -i -o name,label,fstype,size,mountpoint
    lsblk -i -o name,kname,label,fstype,size,mountpoint,state,model,alignment,sched,uuid

    vol_id /dev/sda3 # list all the UUIDs for disk
    ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid | grep sda3
    pvs -a -v        # list UUIDs w/ disk names

    #What is my controller/device/LUN
    lsscsi -l
    #if no lsscsi, then manually:
    ls -l /sys/bus/scsi/devices
    ls -l /sys/block/sd${LETTER}/device/scsi_device
    ls -l /sys/block/*/device

    sg_map -x
        /dev/sg22         0           0       3            4        /dev/sdam

    #Miscellaneous commands (yet to be organzied)
    pvs --segments
    lvs -a
    lvs -a -o+devices
    lvs --all --segments -o +devices
    lvdisplay --maps [/dev/VG/LV]
    vgs -o +tags
    vgs -o +devices
    vgdisplay -c

    #backup VG metadata
    cd /etc/lvm/backup
    cat SOMEVG

    #add new device driver to kernel
        vi /etc/sysconfig/kernel
            #add to INITRD_MODULES line:  as in "qla2xxx"

    #mpio = multipath
    multipath -l 
    multipath -ll 
    multipath -l[l] [mpath0]
    multipath -v2

    #get multipathd into boot sequence
    insserv boot.multipath multipathd

    #add to /etc/fstab, in the options field: "_netdev"
         #as in "default,_netdev"

    ll /dev/mpath/mpath1
    ls -l /dev/mapper
    ls -l /sys/block

    dmsetup info
    dmsetup ls --tree -o uuid,vt100

    udevadm info -q all -n /dev/sda1

    mdadm --detail /dev/md0

    service multipathd stop
    multipath -F  #flushes multipath
    service multipathd start

    service multipathd reload

    pvcreate /dev/mpath/mpath1

    /var/lib/multipath/bindings  #can copy between systems (clustered) so that
    the names come out the same on both systems

    #loop for each host#
    echo "1" > \

    #print disk queries
    cat /proc/scsi/scsi

    #remove a sd disk device
    echo 1 > \

    #remove a path
    echo offline > \

    #*****WARNING**** DISK WIPE *** DATA LOSS *********
    badblocks -ws DEVICE-NAME  # Erase a disk
    #*****WARNING**** DISK WIPE *** DATA LOSS *********

    # create, resize, remove partitions

    #blocksize and other FS charachteristics
    dumpe2fs /dev/mapper/rootvg-esplv | grep -i 'Block size'
    blockdev --getbsz /dev/mapper/rootvg-esplv

    lsscsi #yum install lsscsi

    [/sbin,/lib/udev]/scsi_id  #vpd
    scsi_id -g -u -s [/dev]/block/sda

    #Print/Get the WWN/LUN ID/LID of a disk device
    /sbin/scsi_id -g -s /block/sde

    #scsi_id display UUID if no multipath, WWN if multipath
    scsi_id --whitelisted --device=/dev/sddl2

    #remember that blkid with no arguments returns all of the system disk
    #blkid display UUID if no multipath, WWN if multipath
    blkid | grep a1331d73-d640-4bac-97b4-cf33a375ae5b 

    #find what disk is associated w/ a UUID
    findfs UUID=7bc9f29c-67e7-4391-9a6a-23a2d34fc3ca  
    #find what disk is associated w/ a LABEL
    findfs LABEL=SWAP
    #The "filter" line: what you want displayed/output/used
    #by disk commands
    grep filter /etc/lvm/lvm.conf   

    cd /dev/disk/by-path
    cd /dev/disk/by-id
            ls -l
                    WWN -> ../../sd?
    #Two ways to mount disk by using other disk indentifiers
    #grep boot /etc/fstab
    LABEL=/boot          /boot     ext3    defaults        1 2
    UUID=a1331d73-d640-4bac-97b4-cf33a375ae5b /dir/mount/disk/on ext3fs defaults 1 1
    mount -U a1331d73-d640-4bac-97b4-cf33a375ae5b /directory/you/mount/this/disk/on
    #If you prefer to generate your own UUID's (see above), you can use the 
    #uuidgen command and couple it with tune2fs to change the default UUID 
    #assigned to your disk by the system, like this:
    tune2fs -U 1d721189-7b71-4315-95a7-1c3abc90d379 /dev/sda3
    ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid | grep cf33a375ae5b
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root ....a1331d73-d640-4bac-97b4-cf33a375ae5b-> ../../sda3

    #raw partitions
    raw -qa
    /etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules   #or /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices
      udevinfo -d
      udevadm info
    Start -> 
        right click on "My Computer" -> 
        Properties menu item -> 
        Hardware tab -> 
        Device Manger button -> 
        "SCSI and RAID controllers" object -> 
        select the device you want to know about -> 
        double-click on device -> 
        Driver tab and look for "Driver Version"

        Click on DETAILS tab -> 
        pulldown on menu "Property" and select "Service"
            it should list the general HBA model number
        pulldown on menu "Property" and select "Hardware IDs"
            The "dev" argument should list the specific HBA model number

    Start -> 
        right click on "My Computer" -> 
        Manage menu item -> 
        double-click on Disk Management -> 
        Right click over Disk # name area ->
        then select Properties

        mpputil -a
        mpputil -g 0

    Some HBAs have add-on software (may or may not be installed - software is
    not nomrally needed for fucntionalitiy - but aids in management of it)

        Look in the Programs menu for:
            Emulex -> HBAnyware

            Qlogic -> SANsurfer
                                -g          #host info
                                -z          #host config
                                -z WWN      #host config: ALL output in one command
                                -z all      #host config: ALL output in one command
                                -tp         #host topology
                                -v          #version
                                [-x]        #XML output

            For a standard installation of SANsurfer FC HBA CLI on a Windows operating
            system type the following:
            #msiexec /i

            For a silent mode install type the following:
            #msiexec /i /q

            To uninstall SANsurfer FC HBA CLI using the command line, type the
            #msiexec.exe /x {D4AB108C-6B03-49A3-AC9E-1D29761300C3}

            NOTE: By default, the SANsurfer FC HBA CLI application is installed in the
            following directory: C:\Program files\QLogic Corporation\SANsurferCLI.
            If you want to change the applications location, enter the directory in
            the command line; for example:
            #msiexec /i

        These tools will show you the versions and status, withtout them,
        don't know what to tell you. 

Oracle ASM commands

    vi /etc/scsi_id.config
    # make this the right size "fdisk -lu | more" and find the DATA disk size
    for DISK in $(fdisk -lu 2> /dev/null \
                  | grep Disk \
                  | grep $ASMDISKSIZE \
                  | awk '{print $2}'\
                  | sed -e 's/://;s@/dev/@@')
         echo $DISK
         #The following command should now show the disk UUIDs:  
         # where X = the disk device (e.g. /dev/sdX)
         scsi_id -g -u -s /block/$DISK 
    # Set the size for the disks you are using.  
    # Use "fdisk -l" to find your size and put in for the following variable.
    for DISK in $(fdisk -lu 2> /dev/null \
                     | grep Disk \
                     | grep $ASMDISKSIZE \
                     | awk '{print $2}'\
                     | sed -e 's/://')
            echo $DISK
            echo "32768,," | sfdisk -uS --force $DISK

    fdisk -lu 2> /dev/null | more      

    NOTE: You may need to reboot after formatting the disk for all the 
          partitions to be recognized.
    The file would list X from /dev/sdX , where X is the
    unique alpha character for the device 
    These would be listed on seperate lines
    Example: /dev/sde, /dev/sdf, /dev/sdg   etc... would list:

    # Set the size for the disks you are using.  Use "fdisk -l" to find your
    # size and put in for the following variable.
    fdisk -lu 2> /dev/null \
            | grep Disk \
            | grep $ASMDISKSIZE \
            | awk '{print $2}' \
            | sed -e 's/://' \
            | cut -c8 \
               > /tmp/myfile

    NOTE: LOOP for each of the instances on the system, you can have a different
          udev rules for for each instance.

    NOTE: You may have to edit /tmp/file and only have selected disks in it
          if you have multiple instances, so you only use the right number/qty
          of disks per instance, and don't reuse disks. 
              #answer questions
              # file:      /tmp/myfile
              # DBNAME:    ----get from DBAs
              # disk size: ----get from DBAs 
              #            (will be a few GB less than what fdisk shows)
    cp /tmp/99-asm.$DBNAME.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    # SPECIAL SIZE - ASM config disk - ALWAYS do this one
    DISK=$(fdisk -lu 2> /dev/null \
                     | grep Disk \
                     | grep $ASMCONFIGDISKSIZE \
                     | awk '{print $2}'\
                     | sed -e 's/://')
    echo "32768,," | sfdisk -uS --force $DISK
    # normally this should be device /dev/sdd (a "d" in myfile)
    fdisk -lu 2> /dev/null \
            | grep Disk \
            | grep $ASMCONFIGDISKSIZE \
            | awk '{print $2}' \
            | sed -e 's/://' \
            | cut -c8- \
               > /tmp/myfile
            #answer questions
            # file: /tmp/myfile
            # DBNAME: ASM
            # disk size: 5
    cp /tmp/99-asm.ASM.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    ls -l /dev/oracleasm/disks
    #validate activity
    ls -l /dev/oracleasm/disks

    #Check if ASM disk header is healthy
    kfed read /dev/oracleasm/disks/$DISK
    kfed read /dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK4 aun=0 blkn=0

      #kfbh.type: 1 ; 0x002: KFBTYP_DISKHEAD  ###ASM disk disk name
      #kfdhdb.driver.provstr: ORCLDISKDISK4 ; 0x000: length=13   ###ASMLIB disk name
      #kfdhdb.grptyp: 2 ; 0x026: KFDGTP_NORMAL
      #kfdhdb.hdrsts: 3 ; 0x027: KFDHDR_MEMBER
      #kfdhdb.blksize: 4096 ; 0x0ba: 0x1000
      #kfdhdb.ausize: 4194304 ; 0x0bc: 0x00400000
      #kfdhdb.dsksize: 1221 ; 0x0c4: 0x000004c5

      #ASM metadata block size (blksize) is 4 KB
      #allocation unit size (ausize) is 4 MB for this disk
      #disk size (dsksize) is 1221 AUs, i.e 4884 MB.

    #*****WARNING**** DISK WIPE *** DATA LOSS *********
    #Clear out ASM info on a disk to make it look like ASM never owned/used it
    #(Removing the "private region")
    #*****WARNING**** DISK WIPE *** DATA LOSS *********
    dd if=/dev/zero of=$DISK_PARTITION bs=1024 count=100
    #*****WARNING**** DISK WIPE *** DATA LOSS *********

PowerPath commands
  Software produced and licensed by EMC (

  A few commands:

  powermt display dev=all
  powermt check_registration
  powermt config
  powermt save

     For more see:

Vendor Storage Frame Commands
  EMC Symm commands (storage view from the host, needs ECC and gatekeepers)
   #OLD command: inq


  EMC Clariion devices
  Vendor: DGC, Target: LUNZ, Members: RAID 5


  HDS (Hitachi Data Systems)
  raidcom get ldev -ldev_id


  HP storage (rebranded HDS)
  xpinfo -i
  xpinfo -i DISK-TARGET-NAME


HBA vendor sites

  #Dead product line - no longer shipping.  There is an existing install base.  (URL will forward to the amcc site.)

HBA vendor tools
  NOTE: Not all HBAs vendors are covered.

    Install: AutoPilot Installer (apinstall) 
    Management: OCmanager/HBAnyware

    Install & Management: SANsurfer SMS (SANsurfer Mangement Suite)

Emulex HBA models

Bus Type     PCI Express   PCI-X      PCI-X      PCI        cPCI      SBus 
                            2.0        1.0
Bus/Lane         x4         up to     up to      up to      up to 
  Speed                     266MHz    133MHz     66MHz      66MHz     25MHz 
Link Speed(1)  2/4 Gb/s     4Gb/s     2Gb/s      2Gb/s       2Gb/s    2Gb/s 
By Business Use
SME                                  LP101(3, 5)
Midrange(2)   LPe1150       LP1150   LP1050(2)   LP952L(2)
              LP1050Ex(2)            LP1050DC(2)
Enterprise    LPe11000      LP11000  LP1005DC    LP9002L   LP9002C(4) LP9002S(4)
              LPe11002      LP11002  LP10000     LP9002DC  
              LP10000ExDC            LP10000DC
By Configuration
Dual Port
             LPe11002       LP11002   LP1005DC   LP9002DC     
             LP10000ExDC    LP10000DC
Single Port 
             LPe11000       LP11000   LP101(3, 5) LP9002L  LP9002C(4) LP9002S(4)
             LPe1150        LP1150    LP10000     LP952L(2)
             LP1050Ex(2)              LP1050(2)
 Operating Systems: 
      Windows Server 2003
      Windows 2000
      Windows NT 

      1 2Gb/s and 4Gb/s are backwards compatible to 1Gb/s
      2 Windows (NT, 2000 & Server 2003), Linux and NetWare only
      3 Windows (2000 & Server 2003), Linux and NetWare only
      4 Solaris only
      5 Available to OEMs only

Qlogic HBA models
 ALL=Windows 2000/2003, Solaris Sparc, Linux Red Hat, Linux SuSE, Netware
 SPARC=Solaris Sparc

 QLA2310     PCI/PCI-X ALL 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QLA2310F    PCI/PCI-X ALL 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QLA2310FL   PCI/PCI-X ALL 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QLA2340     PCI/PCI-X ALL 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QLA2340L    PCI/PCI-X ALL 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QLA2342     PCI/PCI-X ALL 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QLA2342L    PCI/PCI-X ALL 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QLA2344     PCI/PCI-X ALL 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QCP2340     cPCI      SPARC 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QCP2342     cPCI      SPARC 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QSB2340     SBus      SPARC 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QSB2342     SBus      SPARC 2Gb Fibre Channel - 2300 Series 
 QLA2200/33  PCI       ALL 1Gb Fibre Channel - 2200 Series 
 QLA2200/66  PCI       ALL 1Gb Fibre Channel - 2200 Series 
 QLA2200L/66 PCI       ALL 1Gb Fibre Channel - 2200 Series 
 QLA2200F/66 PCI       ALL 1Gb Fibre Channel - 2200 Series 
 QCP2202F/33 cPCI      SPARC 1Gb Fibre Channel - 2200 Series 
 QLA2202FS   SBus      SPARC 1Gb Fibre Channel - 2200 Series 
 QLA4010     PCI/PCI-X ALL 1Gb iSCSI - 4000 Series 
 QLA4010C    PCI/PCI-X ALL 1Gb iSCSI - 4000 Series 



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